
REN Skincare bases its philosophy on three cornerstones: excellence, purity and pleasure. Its products are dedicated to the care and well-being of men and women, to which REN Skincare dedicates special lines. The choice is wide and offers solutions for all skin types, ranging in a wide range of products suitable to meet all needs.
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REN Skincare creates cosmetics which achieve exciting results thanks to the technology used to enhance the ingredients. The micronutrient parts of the algae restore the resources exhausted by the cells, also dissolving stress and skin tension. This way the body regains its balance thanks to the optimization of each of its microsensors. Accurate treatments and methods are able to satisfy the needs of even the most sensitive skin. For example the anti-pollution filters fight the hardships of city life, in its oppressive chaos and traffic. Even the cells of your body need to withstand stress in the best way. With REN Skincare each product is made from the best of bioactiveminerals and plants. Ingredients are 100% vegetable and free of all the synthetic contaminations. There is no trace of parabens, sulphates or mineral oil. Synthetic elements are categorically prohibited in these perfumes. Everything converges to the mission of the brand: make the world always better. The use of REN becomes synonymous of perfection in a very ample project. Every cell in relation to the body, but also you in relation to the environment that surrounds you. The experience of each usage is about harmony in every aspect. Each product is exemplary. One of the most successful ones is Moroccan Rose Eight Ultra-moisture Body oil, or also the Keep young and beautiful serum. One of the latest is Hydro Boost, a very effective anti-aging emulsion. But you can still try Bio Retinoid Anti-Aging Cream, a revolutionary anti-aging cream. Retinol results are guaranteed without irritation. The skin comes out nourished and deeply hydrated since the first uses, creating an immediate lifting effect. The signs of aging are alleviated and the onset of wrinkles alleviated. Your skin will always be more toned, soft and radiant.