Weak, Brittle and without Tone
- Grown AlchemistVolumising Conditioner 0.4volume and styling conditioner for weak, brittle and without tone hair
- OlaplexN 3 Hair Perfectorrestructuring hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hairAs low as £25.37
- Molton BrownIntense Repairing Hair Mask with Fennelrestructuring hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£32.68
- AlternaBond Repair Heat Protection Sprayrestructuring spray for weak, brittle and without tone hairAs low as £7.31
- AlternaBond Repair Conditionerrestructuring conditioner for weak, brittle and without tone hairAs low as £9.03
- ArcRistrutturante Senza Risciacquo Nutrimento R.Evolu...nourishing hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£26.66
- ArcLozione Anti-Cadutaanti age and fall hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£28.38
- OribePower Drops Hydration & Anti-Pollution Boosteranti age and fall hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hairSpecial Price £27.95 Regular Price £55.90
- AlternaBond Repair Leave-In Treatment Mousserestructuring foam for weak, brittle and without tone hair£48.16
- AlternaBond Repair Shampoorestructuring shampoo for weak, brittle and without tone hairAs low as £9.03
- AlternaBond Repair Leave-In Protein Creamrestructuring hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£39.13
- AlternaBond Repair Overnight Serumanti age and fall hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£44.29
- AlternaBond Repair Masquerestructuring hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£54.18
- Augustinus BaderThe Scalp Treatmentrestructuring hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£63.64
- ArcShampoo Nutrimento R.Evolutionnourishing shampoo for weak, brittle and without tone hair£25.37
- ArcMaschera Nutrimento R.Evolutionnourishing hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£32.68
- Madara3-Min Growth-Boost Scalp Treatmentanti age and fall hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£24.51
- MadaraFeed Repair & Dry Rescue Hair Maskanti age and fall hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£24.94
- AesopSage & Cedar Scalp Treatmentrestructuring hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£26.66
- AesopViolet Leaf Hair Balmnourishing hair treatments for weak, brittle and without tone hair£24.94
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